Meet the Future: Introducing Remal IoT’s Bright Interns

At Remal IoT, we pride ourselves on fostering a vibrant community of young, talented individuals who are passionate about technology. As part of our commitment to education and empowerment, we’ve welcomed a group of interns who are keen to learn, innovate, and contribute to the world of embedded systems and IoT. These bright minds have shared some snippets of their experience with us so far, and we’d like to introduce them to you.
Mohammed Hani Ahmed

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, American University of Sharjah

  • Working at Remal IoT has been an incredible experience so far. Before starting, I was eagerly looking forward to the opportunity of participating in a technical internship, and I can say that it has lived up to my expectations. I get to work in a field that interests me and allows me to work on my coding skills, which is something that I am very passionate about. Moreover, I’m excited about the chance to apply the things I’ve learned in my courses to real-life applications. Furthermore, I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to Remal IoT’s growth and to leave my mark on the company.

  • During my time at Remal IoT so far, I have acquired a diverse range of valuable skills. I learned how to program in Arduino, how to use development boards to create projects, the fundamentals of PCB design, and how to write well-documented libraries. In addition to these technical skills, I also gained a lot of other experience. I experienced working as a team, participating in meetings, hosting workshops, and I gained a general understanding of what a professional work environment is like. Overall, this internship has contributed greatly to my future career goals by not only enhancing my technical proficiency but also providing me with the essential work experience needed to progress and grow in my professional journey.
Hoor Jasim Al-Ali

B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Sharjah

  • Thrilled to be part of Remal IoT, a distinctive local startup company specialized in designing development board, offering a dynamic platform for my skills and creativity. Moreover, exploring new fields as well as learning a lot about electronics boards development.

  • This internship has greatly advanced my career goals by enhancing my skills in IoT board design and testing, including circuit schematics, layouts, and troubleshooting. In addition, this internship experience also improved my teamwork, social, and networking skills.
Zain Kamal

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering and B.Sc. in Computer Science, American University of Sharjah

  • I am excited about the opportunity to work at Remal IoT and contribute to its mission, which is to spread the knowledge of working with embedded systems throughout the Middle East. It is rewarding to work on projects that can have a positive impact on others and help Arabs become more comfortable with using embedded systems.

  • I am particularly interested in embedded systems, IoT, machine learning, and robotics, as these fields are at the forefront of computer engineering and computer science. This internship experience at Remal IoT has provided me with a valuable opportunity to learn different skills and techniques used in building embedded systems and designing projects using them. These skills will be extremely beneficial to me as I pursue a career in these fields, and I am excited to apply what I have learned to future projects and make positive impact.
Alia Rashed AlMehisni

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering with concentration in Communication Engineering, University of Dubai

  • I take great pleasure in providing my full support to a local company that specializes in designing and assembling development boards. This opportunity has allowed me to expand my knowledge in various aspects of IoT board designing and testing, including circuit schematics, layouts, and hardware troubleshooting.

  • The skills I have acquired include schematic design, utilizing the Arduino IDE, testing boards, and designing PCB boards using KiCad. Moreover, working with Remal IoT has been instrumental in enhancing not only my technical aptitude but also my teamwork, social interaction, and networking skills. This collaboration has allowed me to contribute to a local business while continuously advancing my expertise in the field of electronics and IoT development.
Mahra Ahmed Ali AlHayyas

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, American University of Sharjah

  • Remal IoT is an Emirati start-up company, and as an Emirati woman, I wanted to be part of its success. I have always wanted to work with embedded systems and IoT devices to understand more about them since they are technology’s future and are integrated into our daily life. Thus, I believe Remal IoT is the perfect fit for my curiosity and will be the best platform to start my career.

  • Ever since I became a computer engineering student, I wanted to delve deep into technology. Joining Remal IoT has put me to the test and challenged the knowledge and skills I learned at the university. I was asked to work as a team and individually on different tasks, which has made me acknowledge my skills. One of the projects I am currently working on is the self-balancing cube. It has been a great experience and I learned about a new circuit design software called KiCad. So far in this internship, I have attended meetings with various companies from different backgrounds and learned about the importance of soft skills like communication and networking. Last but not least, from the tasks that I was assigned, I have gained insights into the future of technology and how easily it can be integrated into our lives.

These interns represent the future of our industry. Their passion, dedication, and enthusiasm is great to witness, and we’re thrilled to have them as part of the Remal IoT team. Their insights and experiences have already begun to shape the way we approach our work, and we’re excited to see where their journeys take them next.

Thank you to each of our interns for your hard work, curiosity, and eagerness to learn and grow. We look forward to witnessing your continued success and contributions to the world of tech!

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